Mommy's Killer

Hi, this is my first creepypasta, hope you all enjoy.
In a small town in Minnesota, a 13 year old boy named Kevin lived in a small but quaint cul-de-sac with his father. Kevin never knew his mother. Despite this he was a well adjusted boy. He attended school regularly, earned fairly mediocre grades, had a small group of friends with whom he'd hang out with after school sometimes, and had a great relationship with his single father.
His father would always pick him up after school. Kevin, being curious about his mother, would constantly ask his father about her, but his father would always anxiously change the subject. The only persumable picture of his mother was an old wedding photo of his parents, but his mother was cut out completely. One afternoon, when his father picked him up from school, Kevin attempted to ask his father about his mother again.
Kevin: "Dad, why won't you talk about mom?"
Kevin's Father: *sighs* "Ya know, I think you're old enough for me to tell you what happened. I can't hide it from you forever..."
Kevin: .....
Kevin's father clutched the necklace he always wore as he uneasily attempted to give an explanation to his son
Kevin's Father: "Years ago, your mom and I got married a few months after you were born. After the reception, a friend of ours agreed to look after you, so we booked a hotel. We checked in and shortly after, we got into a huge fight, and I left to get some fresh air. When I came back....."
Kevin's father tried to hide his nervousness as he kept explaining
"When I came back, she.... she was dead, someone had killed her"
Kevin: "WHAT?!! Why?!"
Kevin's Father: "I have no idea, but when I came back, her throat was slit and the room was trashed. I had given her a beautiful necklace the night before, half of a heart, like the one I'm wearing. It was gone, along with her picture from our wedding photo. The killer couldn't be found. The cops decided it was a burglary gone horribly wrong."
Kevin: *sadly whimpers* "Oh...."
Kevin's Father: "So now you know....."
A few days later, Kevin was cleaning the house, and when he got to his father's room, he noticed a small decorated box with a lock on it. He was curious as to what was in it, but kept cleaning. Later that night, during dinner he decided to ask his father about it.
Kevin: "Hey dad, when I was cleaning your room today I found a box with a lock on it. What's in th–"
Kevin's father abruptly cuts him off
Kevin's Father: "Why were you snooping in my personal things?!! I forbid you to go near that!"
Kevin: *frightenly cries* "S-s-sorry"
Kevin's Father: "It's ok. Just don't go near that. It's something very personal to me. Just... forget about it OK?"
Kevin: "OK..."
But Kevin couldn't forget about it. He wanted to know so desperately what his father was hiding from him. His curiosity was eating him alive. Weeks passed and he couldn't take it anymore. So one day, when his father left to run some errands, he waited until his father was out of the driveway, and then he bolted to his father's room and tried to open the box. But the lock wouldn't budge. He searched high and low for a key, and finally, he found a small key, taped under his father's mattress. He grabbed the key, unlocked the box, and opened it up, and was utterly horrified at what he found inside.
He found the missing half of the wedding photo with his mom in her wedding dress, sprinkled with blood stains, the split-heart necklace that his father said was missing, and a knife covered in dried blood. Kevin's face twisted into a sickening look of dread, and he was frozen with fear. Then he heard the door open, and then shut behind him, and in an ominous voice he heard his father say "Now didn't I tell you not to go in there Kevin.....?"
Kevin's mutilated body was found in a river the next day. But his father had vanished.....